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Members only Meetup

Come and catch up with fellow members at our First Members-only event of 2018!

We want to take this opportunity to catch up with all of you and to bring those of you who could not join us at the Christmas dinner up to speed with upcoming events and projects, to present our regional 2-year strategy and to give you a chance to ask questions and get involved as well as to meet fellow members.

6:00 Arrival and registration
6:30 Welcome by our hosts, Saint-Cobain limited and an overview of their facility
6:35 NAWIC Welcome and a presentation of the forthcoming calendar of events
6:40 Update on the 2017/2019 NAWIC LDN & SE Strategy
6:50 Update on our educational projects and opportunities to participate
7:00 Networking
8:00 Closing

***Please note pre-booking is essential and limited to NAWIC Members***
Also note that the venue has a capacity which is limiting the number of tickets available.

(Note the Venue is on the ground floor and accessible)

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