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Designing OUT Carbon

The industry is moving rapidly to achieve the Net Zero Carbon target by 2050. UKGBC recently launched the framework definition for ‘Net Zero Carbon’ which includes carbon associated with operation and construction.

The LSE’s Centre Building Redevelopment, which started in 2013, is an example which is already ahead of the time; due to London School of Economics’ zero carbon aspiration and a very challenging design brief. The project has been featured in CIBSE Journal June’s edition. You can find the article here.

chapmanbdsp worked with Roger’s Stirk Harbour + Partners and the rest of the design team to design this 13,000sq.m education facility which relies predominantly on only natural ventilation and thermal mass to overcome overheating. The novel façade is a result of an integrated design approach, parametric modeling and early collaboration of the design team with the users/occupants. Based on extensive studies and discussions with the users a set of design principles were derived and provided to the architects to work on. This led to flexible spaces which can be used as open plan or cellular offices. To reduce the carbon footprint of the project, a bespoke embodied carbon assessment tool was created to assess the inherent carbon of building materials which was validated by the BRE after a rigorous appraisal and audit. It helped reduce embodied carbon by 35%. The ‘carbon calculator’ was also instrumental in reducing operational carbon of the development, which led to the implementation of low carbon energy supply technologies such as Biofuel CHP which runs on waste from the pharmaceutical industry to meet the heat and electricity demand of the whole development.

Lucy Vereenooghe, Operations Director at chapmanbdsp will be giving a presentation on the building, followed by a tour.

18:00 Reception and Registration
18:30  Presentation
19:15  Questions & Answers
19:30  Networking & Building Tour

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